Vastu means the dwelling of humans & Gods. Vaastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature. Vaastu Shastra is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people thousands of years ago. Its application today is purely architectural and its principles are based on becoming one with nature. Now a days majority of the houses/flats are not constructed with correct Vaastu resulting major loss to the owner. To derive best financial benefits, keeping aquarium is one of the best remedy. To drive away the evil effects and enhance good luck in the house, Aquarium is one of the best ways.

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